"Come & ride the 2009 hangover outta your legs on January 3rd at Lyons High School with www.boulderracing.com The plan is a shortned day of just a few races during the "warm" part of the day. We're following that up with a 2008 cycling bust up party at Oskar Blues' new Banquet Barn. We'll have a simple cheap lunch and a FREE BEER with your race number.Check out the flyer HERE for all the details. Tell your friend & have a good time on the bike...come one, come all for a fun day on the bike."
Out at the ice house, psyched for my first ice fishing effort, Dave with the pop-up fish house and heater, hole driller (auger), bait and beer.
Rule number one of ice fishing in Northern Minnesota, you can't go home until the beer is gone, whether the fish bite is on or not.
mia sullivan photoCale McAninch, maybe your kids teacher, dissing Jonathan Page?
There were two of these "people" running around with their shirts off during the elite race on Sunday. Basically being "fans" and annoying people who they did not know. So one of them, McAninch, gets in Jonothan Page's grill while Dave Towle is interviewing him and gets involved in a fight and gets piled into a stack of Richard Sachs team bikes. Once again, the beer boxing gloves come out and another moron learns his lesson. On top of the basic story, THE GUY IS A SCHOOL TEACHER. Nice work! Apparently there is video coming at cyclofile.com
And the high five from Greg Keller of "Mud and Cowbells" fame as I try and hold on...with Burnsy support.
All the while trying to chase The Legend, who wins going away.
Trying to fight back into a race after the crash Getting ready for the 50+ start. Bob Pugh from Sledgehammer Charlies in North Carolina in front of me...he's a good bloke from back east.
Linda Wells all over my ass to "get on it" up the climb..
The start of the "Running away from Ned" category.This was race two for me, the first race on Thursday was when the shit hit the fan at this same point of the race. This is the speed at which I got railed into the steel fencing when two riders behind and to the right of me went down and into my rear wheel.
The first climb, which was substantial for a cyclocross race, but fair considering it was a National Championship race. Ned Overend at the front of course with Henry Kramer who gave him a run for 4 laps. I basically ran into a beehive of fast 50+ racers and although I thought I raced very well considering the circumstances, was simply outclassed on the big climb by most of the field.
A place to come and hide away from life's daily bore, a place to smile and laugh....maybe even cry, a place to reflect on what's really important in life, where you go and who you go with....it's not about the pile of money you get to take with you to the grave folks.....your bank accounts should be a wealth of great experience and good friends. I am indeed a wealthy man. All attempts at humor on the site are just that, attempts. Most is untrue, all is purely entertainment. Larry G