But there is still plenty of time for this....Ladies and gentleman, I introduce to you, the Turkey Cam.
The end to a very long season, playing in the mud with all the homies, very fun and VERY difficult day for me...and the rest of ya, this was the WRONG day to have dead legs....but it does make for better action on the handle bar cam. 88 starters in this race, insane! Burnsy rocked a top 10 contnuing a very solid season...
Here you go kiddies, I've actualy got my entire for shit race on vij from the handlebars, shit start, shit middle, and shit finish. Hopefully you all find yourselves somewhere in the mix...I'll try and get more of this up later in the week if I can bare watching myself get hammered by you guys anymore....needless to say, it was a blast, and I paid for riding hard up here in Eagle everyday last week due to sweet weather, plus I aint 35 anymore, but I'd do it exactly the same all over again...cheers!
The voice of a battered bike racer
And here is the rest of lap one
Green Mountain Sprts CX 35+ Cat4 Lap One from Larry Grossman on Vimeo.
We continue to hang on down here in Eagle as just the last bastions of sanity remain down low here for the mountain biking community. While everyone else is getting fired up about the opening of Vail Mountain, where you will be delighted to find pay parking on the frontage road in the very near future, why the hell not, you have no choice...we are still milking the hell out of the cycling season on the dirt/snow. Just watch out for some of those snowy patches, they will bite you right in your arse...race course backwards below.
Last Thanksgiving morning, at the Eagle Fairgrounds, a group of us got together to remember our good friend Mike Janelle a year after his unfortunate passing. What ensued for the next hour was just a flat out pisser of a time, Janelle style. Well, we are doing it again and encourage all of you to come and laugh your ass off and try and win a frozen turkey by negotiating a sixty second course, all of us on the Elgee 1986 Rockhopper cruiser bike (no need to bring your own ride), drink beer, and basically try not to pee yourself from laughing so hard watching the action. It's free, bring a couple of brews, and we should be done by 11am-noon so you can get home and stuff yourself. Start the holiday season off with some big fun and friends...see you there, 9am.
I have never quite grasped the SS phenom over the years. with that said, I have jumped on a couple and had enough fun to wet some panties on a SS. I've got my own SS program that I have secretly been on for a couple of seasons (gawd only knows we can't get stronger without it) and now is the time to reveal this amazingly intricate routine. I do this ride once every week or two. First, I head to the Boneyard on my GEARED bike. I then shift the bike into ONE gear, whatever gear I feel like riding in that day depending on what I'm trying to accomplish and how I feel that day. Being able to PICK which SS gear I would LIKE to ride in on that day, instead of having to hit the bike shop and change cogs. I have a tendency to turn off my ears when the gear ratio talk starts at the shop or at races, it gives me an anxiety attack actually. Okay, so I choose my gear, and then I actually STAY in that gear for the entire ride, it's an amazing concept I know, and I'm on a heavier geared bike as opposed to a SS so it's TWICE the training ride. The bigger the gear I choose on a particular day, the more baggy and torn the clothes I choose to wear to go along with it. It's just such a loving program. Here is yesterday SS training ride, at the Bonetard of course.
Old Race Course descent off of the Boneyards climb in Eagle, Colorado
it's a ripper
And the climb up the Boneyard, just good clean steady middle ring climbing.
I had to go do this....after watching the "Yoder" cam lately, I had to pull my GoPro Helmet cam back out and try out the bar mount that it came with...on Wolverton/Pipeline.., let's go rip a hot lap.
Now you get to participate as an A2B reader, pick a song on the green play list right next to this post and let er rip to the video....
And then finish up your ride down Pipeline
And check this out, interview from 07 with "Rossi", "takes meds every four hours" I think he missed a couple of doses..could'nt see that one coming.
This was such a better choice than driving five hours roundtrip to Boulder to race CX today, race, finish in the same spot I always finish in, then watch all my friends finish in the same place they usually finish in, and then realize nobody actually cares where I finished, including myself. It's kind of tired. See you down there tomorrow, and everyone should finish in a new place just to mix it up a little.
And now our tax dollars have to heal and feed this guy, wonderful. I'll pull the plug on this asshole for a nickel, I just saved the taxpayers millions. Brilliant!
When the blizzard hit at Boulder Cyclesport Rez race..Shawn Lorte is another contributor at Mountain Flyer, a couple of pics..
The pits were super busy at the Blue Sky Velo Cup on Saturday at Xilinx, some racers changing bikes every half lapBusy start to the men's elite race as well
And of course some Vij....Xilinx 35 open and 35+4's
A place to come and hide away from life's daily bore, a place to smile and laugh....maybe even cry, a place to reflect on what's really important in life, where you go and who you go with....it's not about the pile of money you get to take with you to the grave folks.....your bank accounts should be a wealth of great experience and good friends. I am indeed a wealthy man. All attempts at humor on the site are just that, attempts. Most is untrue, all is purely entertainment. Larry G