Dare I say I was thinkin 24 of Moab out here last night?
1200 Lumens of sheer Nite Rider madness keep you rolling in the black of night
1:00am is when the sickness truly begins to kick in. Only problem is trying to find a riding partner when you get off work near midnight, but then again, half the fun of riding at night is going solo and letting the imagination run wild, which has you either shitting yourself or smiling uncontrollably during the entire ride, or smiling and shitting yourself simultaneously.
The story of the gall damn obnoxious horn, but boy did they sound good when the USA scored yesterday...
DW Linkage, whut obstacles? It aint carbon, and I like that on mountain bikes..
The Sultan is THE RIDE if you are looking to ride and are not worried about being a gram shaving weenie. She weighs in at just under 30lbs. with this build package, but brotha, after riding my hard tail, 80mm travel bike for the last 1.5 years, this thing was SIKK. WARNING, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME LOOKING FOR THE CLEANEST LINE IN "THE SHIT". Just point the Sultan where you want to go (straight down) and ride it, you will eat up everything in your path like Minar. Now that I'm pretty much done ever being concerned with training to race and have concentrated on just having fun, I can't think of a better fit for myself for my trail bike, I just need to find a bag of money to buy one. With 120mm of travel front and back this bike is frighteningly easy to ride and crush on, you will feel like a rockstar upon completion of every ride. The Sultan also climbs and corners like a champ, you gotta ride it to understand what I'm talking about, check it Friday in Eagle and blow yourself away. 29 inch wheels + 120mm of travel + DW link + bomber frame = perfection.
Turns out that Cavensquish got fined for veering into the line of Heinrich Haussler, that's pretty much how I saw it....
photo from velonews
In the meantime, pro road cycling has me wanting to stick my finger down my throat and puke, however today's ride at the Dauphine should be noted by Tour fans....how about this Slovak kid?
Gunner prepares for launch
A place to come and hide away from life's daily bore, a place to smile and laugh....maybe even cry, a place to reflect on what's really important in life, where you go and who you go with....it's not about the pile of money you get to take with you to the grave folks.....your bank accounts should be a wealth of great experience and good friends. I am indeed a wealthy man. All attempts at humor on the site are just that, attempts. Most is untrue, all is purely entertainment. Larry G