So, for those of you that already voted in Eagle two years ago, stating you thought Eagle River Station was a goat fuck, you get to do it AGAIN. Funny how those who have A LOT to gain from this project on the planning and zoning commission have agreed that it's a wonderful idea to replace this field which they picture on their website with the piece of shit building below it, on the Eagle River, in Eagle, Colorado, where every single piece of trash will eventually end up in the river where it always does, because wind and runoff put it there, and where "workers" will make 8-10 an hour and not be able to afford to live anywhere, and where I'd guess the majority of the businesses will go under like most others down at this end of the valley, and we will have a tremendous eye sore along the interstate, another GALL DAMN TARGET in the middle of the Silverthorne and Glenwood Springs Targets, and where no one can afford to shop anyway right now, and where the light pollution at night will never give Eagle the same view of the night sky, and where Eagle will foot the bill when the project likely fails, and where this proposed project is more than twice the size of the original ERS offering, which we told Red Development to shove up their ass with a "NO" vote, it's funny aint it? Well boys and girls it's time to hit em where it counts again and vote NO, as a matter of fact, vote HELL NO on ERS again, for lack of a better description, it's STUPID. Hi mayor.

If you vote yes, this is the hunk of shit mall, less hundreds of thousands of square retail space that you will look at, instead of the image above without the piss poor message on it. Hellooooo Planning and Zoning commission.
At $8/hour I'll bet they fill these places up like they are infected with the plague.