So there I was, back home, in Eagle, on the singletrack I know like the back of my hand, for the first time of this season, to Blue Grouse, and down to the connection with Mike's Night Out. The ride was outstanding, the trails just a hair on the loose side, I even ran into Cody Downard who is about to open a photo gallery in Eagle along the way, I even got run off Catwalk by two "other" douche bags on motorcycles who rode straight through me and never stopped as I got off the trail out of their way..........

And then I came across this, and it was disturbing, and when you see what I saw today after the irrigation ditch crossing at the bottom of Mike's Night Out you will be pissed also, because what has been done there was done on purpose, and maliciously, and by an ignorant rancher with his gaul damn back hoe. I understand they have rights to the water which they stole from the Indians, but to pile 1-3 feet of rock, gravel, scrub oak branches, willow branches and other miscellaneous SHIT on top of what was once 1/4 mile of stellar singletrack is WRONG, and you should pay a heavy price for this you douche, and you should be held accountable for the damage you have done. It would have been just as easy to dump those buckets of crap just 1-2 feet over to the side of what was once a great trail as it was to dump it right in the FUCKING MIDDLE of the trail. I say we find out who has the water rights to that ditch and make him/her go clean up the pile of shit they left behind on that trail. Fuck.

There is a 1/4 mile of this damage to what was once the bottom of Mike's Night Out. Mega Douche Bag. You will be held responsible. And you just took the lead in the A2B Douche Bag of the Year voting for 2012.