If you ride bike even semi seriously for fitness you know about Pro Gold lubricants/cleaners for your drive train. Did you know Pro Gold recently came on board with a gun/firearms lubricant? MFR-7 is the latest from them. I'm a hunting and target shooting enthusiast and was recently working with Mr. Pro Gold himself, Bruce Dickman, announcing along side him in Grand Junction. He mentioned Pro Gold had a new gun lube/cleaner and that he'd like for me to check it out. I'm an upland bird hunter here in Eagle, Colorado, where I routinely walk for Blue Grouse with my trusty shotgun, and I also target shoot with my girlfriend when we get the opportunity to do so, preferably at the NRA center in Raton, N.M. which is like the Super Bowl arena of target shooting venues in the Unites States. As soon as I got the chance, I lubed up my Beretta 390A shotgun and my Beretta FS96 hand gun to check out the lube. The lube comes in three containers, an aerosol spray, a 4oz. bottle or a Luber Pen size. I chose to use the Luber Pen for the initial lube/cleaning job for both of my guns and opted for the aerosol spray to clean the bore on my shotgun. The Luber Pen is sweet as it allows you to lube all the small parts which move on your trigger mechanisms without excess lube dripping all over the place and the gun, which creates a mess to clean up. The lube is thin and super easy to apply, but not too thin. As expected, once the guns were cleaned and lubed, the action was flawless and silky smooth. I'm no gun lube expert, but the performance of the lube seems impeccable. The fact that it is so viscous should keep it from gathering much grime and grit during use. I'm rough on my shotgun, and I need a lube that runs clean, MFR-7 should do the trick.

The bike line has grown substantially over the years of Pro Link, which I've used exclusively on my road bike forever. There are now over a dozen great products from Pro Gold for your cycling pleasure. The line now includes grease, wash, degreaser and shine products, as well as chain lubes. The newer Pro Gold Extreme performs as well if not better than the original Pro Link but lasts a little longer, which saves you a few bucks in the long run. I've been running Extreme on my road bike drive train (formerly Pro Linked) for six years and thousands of miles on the original SRAM Force gruppo and it still performs flawlessly, and it's got a shit ton of hard miles on it. The stuff runs super smooth and quiet with no drag, which is a problem with wax products on the road bike.
The degreaser/wash is the best drive train cleaning product I've ever used on my bikes. If used in high concentrate, as in right out of the bottle, (I like to brush it on directly out of a bowl I pour it into with a soft brush), it will take the nastiest of nasty grime off of your drive train, and I'm even talking about the stickiest of wax lubes such as Squirt. There is also a citrus de greaser that does what citrus degreasers do, work. The Blast Off Degreaser is weird stuff. You spray the product on your stinky drive train parts and it flakes off the gunk, for real. If you are a lazy bike cleaning person, the stuff is perfect for you. The bike shine products have always been really good stuff, and the towels and wipes get your rig sparkling. But what I like best is that they protect your frame in the long run and the next time you take your mountain bike out for a muddy or dusty ride, it cleans up much easier thanks to the sheen left by the shine products. All in all Pro Gold has hit a big ol homerun like David Ortiz on steroids with all of their newer product. Buy a metric shit ton of it and never worry about the performance or look of your bikes and guns again. Bam,