It's been a bit since I even visited MY OWN BLOG, since blogs are pretty much and always have been LAME for the most part, but here is another LAME skiing video. Just to freshen it up. Jeez, I have not even posted up the annual "A2B Douche Bag of the Year" award now for quite sometime, but that was because Donald Trump was such a lock it wasn't even worth posting. Now he is being impeached for the 47th time which is entertaining, do I get to vote on that? Just wondering. The pandemic continues to rage, and I've lost friends and acquaintances while others have gotten very sick and will never recover to normal. So I find it important to get outside, social distance and do some of the stuff I still enjoy, but don't necessarily HAVE to do anymore. I feel as if I've reached the finish line on a lot of this stuff which is actually a very nice life spot to be in, especially now that Colorado has BLOWN up with people the past decade or so. I look forward to retirement soon with my amazing wife Anna, It's right around the corner. In the meantime, I'm glad I have persevered physically to this point of my skiing career due to many factors which is mostly reflected in my attitude towards this form of recreation to just make it to the next run and day of skiing. I've shut it way down over the years and probably have as much if not more fun now skiing the shit I want to ski the way I want to ski it. I suggest you do the same. Make it a great rest of 2021.
Sticking a pin in it
19 hours ago