The only place to stay current on the latest manic ramblings from the Florida Panhandle.


Monday, September 19, 2011


I got to thinking this morning while taking my 10am shit, why are mothers so freaking paranoid about washing their kids hands, demanding they use that hand sanitizer fifteen times a day, and then not even giving a care about the same said kids, as well as themselves, sitting on the same fucking toilet seat that ten billion people have sat on while taking dumps. Is there something incredibly sanitary about a white toilet seat that makes it sparkly clean to sit on and kills the gnarliest amoeba in the world? Just wondering.

So with that said, I love to race my CX bike, and I do not get to do it all that often anymore because I actually enjoy talking about the suffering as much as participating, which keeps me behind the mic and off the pedals a lot now. But this weekend was free of calling the body blows on course, and I got to race three times. Sunday at Valmont was your basic gas, and despite being in the "easier" 55+ category now, National & State champ Gary Thacker lined it up with us, and was pissed about flatting in the earlier 45+ race, so he lined it up in his proper age category and flogged the shit out of all of us. Then there were Bill Herwig, Lauren McGlaughlin, and Bret Wade at the line as well. Think it's easy in the 55+, think again, but the cool thing was that we saw roughly 20 starters, which was awesome. The course was way fun, watch out Boulder Cup!

Sunday was Cross on the River in Buena Vista, and the numbers were pitifully small, which sucks, because it is a great place to suffer in circles for 45 minutes, and it was a perf day for a road trip to the hills, and the folks that came were cool, and we had fun, and all takers in my category showed up on mountain bikes, which gave me a bit of an advantage, and I won a river rock, which was cool, because I've never won a CX race before, and I'll take it, because now I've done that and will be happy getting flogged by the faster guys when they do show up again, which I'm sure will be this weekend at Xilinx, where I'll race again, and I am really excited to ride around in big circles again, and I can't wait to sit on as porta pottie that has had a billion other asses on it previous to mine, just to experience it. Awesome.

And this one has been floating around the Internet on Youtube for a couple of days now. Race CX, this could be you.....touche.

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