Saturday eve was one of the biggest if not THE highlight of my brief announcing/mc career, and I'd like to share part of my experience here on A2B. I was asked many months ago, by Kate Rau, the director of the Colorado High School Cycling League, to host a fundraiser for this organization which was held at the Denver Museum of Art. The evening included raffle, silent auction, a live auction which I promoted during the evening, this was followed by a live interview with Gary Fisher, the evening's special guest, as part of the evenings schedule. I was very prepared once the evening began, and I had even e-mailed copies of the questions I would ask Gary Fisher to Gary Fisher himself so there would be no surprises. Gary is a huge advocate of NICA, and spoke in support of the High School leagues in great detail and with passion. The questions were directed in a manner that would allow Gary to speak about the influences cycling had in his youth, during his high school years, as well as how it helped mold him and his sphere into adults. Gary spoke emotionally of his youth and how the bike got him through so much of it. It was mesmerizing. Only one problem, I got so caught up and involved in listening to Gary I was completely lost when he finished answering one of my questions and realized it was my turn to speak. I was able to find my way out of the bind by awkwardly moving to another question after feeling like a dear in the headlights for about five seconds... , but I was captivated by what he had to say, to the point I thought I was in the audience and not the interviewer. This session was followed up by a question and answer session from the audience and some great questions were asked and answered. YOU could have asked Gary Fisher ANY question you wanted had you been there.
The following morning Gary hosted a road ride for the "A" group of riders in windy, rainy and cold conditions on the front range, there was also a "B" group which Jennifer and myself joined having been just a few minutes behind the "A" group start. We needed the extra minutes to put our WINTER riding gear on...the ride was followed by lunch at Bacaro on Pearl Street, hosted by NICA and Gary himself, pictured below. It was a great weekend. Not soon to be forgotten....The NICA staff and supporters are a bunch of great folks, please support them and the cause, it's a great one. Student athletes Joe Christiansen and Lindsay Dye spoke on behalf of the students and had some wonderful experiences to share with the crowd explaining what the league had done for them and there friends alike.
I love old hotels, and the Boulderado did not disappoint....