Yeah, I was fast once too, nobody gives a fuck.
2025 Winter Shart Tarck: The Final Frontier
4 days ago
<一個字,勁> - One word....WOW!
一個字,勁, One word....WOW!WOW!! Please SHARE if you think he is amazing睇到眼定定!!!! 覺得佢勁就 SHARE!! 電台┌───────────────────┐│ ☑ 請支持 D100 專頁 <= LIKE└───────────────────┘講真話,行公義,好憐憫D100 TV收看: #hk #fun #yoyoSource: 3yoyodesignIR
Posted by D100 一呼百應 還聲於民 on Sunday, May 4, 2014
A place to come and hide away from life's daily bore, a place to smile and laugh....maybe even cry, a place to reflect on what's really important in life, where you go and who you go's not about the pile of money you get to take with you to the grave folks.....your bank accounts should be a wealth of great experience and good friends. I am indeed a wealthy man. All attempts at humor on the site are just that, attempts. Most is untrue, all is purely entertainment. Larry G