With light rain and more snow in the forecast in Eagle last night, the Wednesday night shop crew headed out for a quicky up the infamous "Redneck Ridge" before the trail mudded out. The posse was quickly taken over by a raging band of singlespeeders...I mean. where the fuck are all these mutants coming from? Especially this crew, which included Jono, Alex, Peter Davis, special guest Tom, and the guy who may be the fastest singlespeed rider this side of the bikeuverse. Mike Skellion. Mike will occassionally show up to a MTB race and jump in the open/pro class on his SS and brutalize the field.Anyway, word got out quickly to the rednecks that the teenage mutant singlespeeders were heading up redneck ridge when we were confronted by this asshole,
luckily he was so drunk he missed all the SS guys and his stray bullet took out a road rage pick up truck driver below on highway 6 that had just buzzed a roadie with his sideview mirror going 70 mph.
The autopsy on the truck driver showed he had no brain.
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