I get to Gunnison with my bro Courtney "wawawawawazup holmes" Gregory, check into our room at the Waterwheel Inn which is right next to the Trough restuarant where I was a doorman in 1984, go have a PBR, then head into town to meet up with Jaco Wells and Yogi who are comin into town hot a couple of hours behind us. We grab grub at the Gunnisac, then a nice dark beer at a downtown establishment where the boys come in to pre-register, in the crowd is Parbo (Danish national CX Champion) and Danny Summerhill (silver medal in worlds U23) along with race promoter Ken Bloomer. Then it's back to the Waterwheel to get Jake and Yogi checked in. Only one problem, Jake racing pros gets a bed, then it's a toss up between Yogi and Jake's new Blue CX bike for the other. Well, as you can see in this pic, Yogi picks the short straw and ends up sleeping on the floor while Jake's cross bike got to sleep under the blankets in the other twin...SUCKS TO BE YOGI. Rumor has it, Yogi bought the bike a couple of shots of Cuervo later that evening and climbed in bed with it...he then proceeded to almost cut off his shwantz in the chainring in a romantic moment of weekness. Dude, try the seat tube next time.....
our bartender at the Trough sporting his PBR belt buckle
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