What is 3.5 miles long, has 1300 feet of climbing, and will make you want to puke at the top? The Davos Dash Hillclimb, just ask Ciro.
Kristin Anderson/Vail Daily
This is why I choose to spectate and drink beer, why the hell would I pay $35 to do this to myself in 20 plus minutes?
This is why I choose to spectate and drink beer, why the hell would I pay $35 to do this to myself in 20 plus minutes?
And by the way, Jay Henry smoked the course again with a new record time of 16:45. Little Mikey was in the house along with mom Maribel which made for a special post race affair....
Little Mikey and Jay Henry planning the next training ride.
Kristin Anderson/Vail Daily
Thanks for the pic of Mikey and Jay. Wish I could have made it but agree it's too much suffering for $35...